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Our Life Together


married    29       years

Kath dealt with two frozen shoulders this year. After six months of physical therapy and one special procedure, it got better.  With that and the fact that Mokie could not be left alone with his epilepsy, we did several things alone.  Many many people came to Idaho to visit us this year which helped a lot and brought us much joy!


Bob & his friend Del took the hydro to Moses Lake to run. Kath stayed home with Mokie.  During this event, we hit something and ended up with a hole in the sponson!    The rest of the season, Bob worked on repairing the hole.  He attended several vintage boat races alone during this season.  It was hard on us to do these things separately but we all do things we don't really want to do for our pets sometimes and the sound of the hydroplanes made Mokie very nervous and we were afraid he would have more seizures.


Bob and Kath continued volunteering during the year which is good for the soul.  Bob continued to volunteer at Coeur d'Alene Cellars as their maintenance man and helped with bottling & crush.  He also helps his friend with his carbon fiber boat.  When our boat got a hole in the sponson, he helped Bob put carbon fiber on the bottom of the sponson so it would be super strong.  Kath loves volunteering at Children's Village which brightens up her entire week.  Singing in the choir is fun too and a great learning experience!


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