Our Life Together
married 36 years
We camped 7 times this year with our new to us trailer and our truck with its rebuilt engine. We mostly did short trips to make sure our setup was ok. We loved going up river to play in the water and walk and bike among the trees. It is such a beautiful place! Kath also traveled to Logan, Utah to visit her step-mom and made 3 trips to Seattle to spend time with her mom and make sure she was ok. One trip in June, one in July after her husband passed away, and another trip in October after my brother passed away. All of these trips all together kept us hopping this summer.
Bob and Brian also went on 10 fishing trips this year with Marcus joining them sometimes.
Bob's biggest project this year was to build our wall on the outside of the garage door so the trailer could be shielded from the snow during the winter and sun during the summer. It has wood and a tarp covering and so it is light to put up. It isn't the easiest thing to do but it cost lots less than remodeling the whole building.
Kath is loving volunteering at Children's Village. This year she got to teach one girl who was in middle school how to play piano. This meant that she had to re-learn how to play some.
Photography has been Kath's hobby since sixth grade and this year she took pictures of eagles and of osprey catching salmon. This year she added acrylic painting to her hobbies and is trying to learn by trial and error. Daily exercise is still very important. Kath did and Kath did several fun walks and other adventures this year ...
2017 can be summed up as: 7 camping trips, 14 trips to Silverwood, 10 fishing trips, 4 fun walks, 1 wall project, 1 zip line trip, 43 paintings, many many Bob projects, many hours of playing with kids and 4 trips out of town to visit family! Whew!