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Our Life Together


married    35       years

The year of being healthy ... walking every day and eating better and less. We both walked off 52 pounds this year and we feel so much healthier and have more energy for sure!


Bob & Brian did 10 fishing trips together, Marcus joined them on one of them.


Kath met her sister in Logan, Utah to visit our step-mom and then took her cousin Arlene to Seattle to visit  Kath's mom Shirley.  Both trips were fun!  Bob & I traveled to Lake Louise Canada in our motorhome. It was a beautiful but LONG drive.  The scenery was absolutely beautiful and we barely noticed it was raining!


When we got home  from Canada we decided to buy a trailer so we could use the truck to go places. Well that meant we needed a new truck too.  The truck we purchased ended up having issues so we had to get the engine rebuilt.  Hopefully when this is all done we will have a rig and truck we can depend on. 


This year was FOR SURE our last year to run the Bolam's Express.  We took it to Chelan and all our friends who helped us with the boat through all these years came to help us celebrate!  Many many people came to visit us in the evenings, Megan & Brian joined us for the weekend.  When it went out the last time both Bob and I had tears in our eyes.  It is time and the Bolam's Express is now for sell.


Children's Village is still the place you will find Kath volunteering after nearly 10 years!  This year they decided we needed to do conutinuous training and get background checks so we could be advanced volunteers.  This really meant I needed to do all these things to be able to do what I did before but I was up for it.


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